RCS_TTX v1.0      Integrate Turbotext & RCS
 The BoB Shop Demo v0.9 Sprite/Bob editor demo
 ShowAmiga v1.1     Interactive Demo of the Amiga
 Serial Stratego v1.3  Stratego via the Serial or IRC

The most downloaded files from wustl.edu during the week until 5-Jun-94
Most popular file on top.

File                 Dir        Size Description
-------------------  ---        ---- -----------
KingCON_1.3.lha      util/shell 128K+Replaces CON: (Review, menus, TAB-exp...)
TheGuru.lha          dev/misc    37K+Explain specific GURU numbers.
Irving_the_Butt.lha  pix/misc    14K+Samsung's negotiation with C=
SuperView2_5.lha     gfx/show    50K+MultiGfx Viewer/Converter/ScreenGrabber (n
SuperView-lib6_1.lha gfx/show   261K+Multi-GfxFormat loading, saving + displayi
bBaseIII.lha         biz/dbase  107K+Full-Featured database program
anb104.lha           docs/mags   26K+Amiga Newsbits #1.04 - 15-May-94
BootUte.lha          util/boot   44K+Allows more old pgms run on 1200/4000
ReqChange3_2.lha     util/misc  182K+Patches OS, ARP & REQ for ReqTools.
cd32bits-0694.lha    docs/mags  242K+CD32Bits - June 94


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